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Meeting Minutes
October 23, 2006
Memorial Town Hall

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Martha Waite, Mark Johnson, Mary Ricker

OTHERS PRESENT:         Joyce Crouse, Agent, Randy Mizereck, Consultant,
        Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary

The Board of Health Meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM


619 South Road (205/1):  Brian MacKeon, Graz Engineering for Christopher Durham, repair of a system that does not meet code.  The applicant submitted plans for voluntary local upgrade approval of a Presby System.  This was tabled at the 8/28/06 and 9/18/06 meetings.  The Board approved the 2’ SAS.

Two (2) additional deep holes, and observation, are required per 4/21/06 revised Title 5 regulations.

Must comply with new Title 5 regulations including but not limited to:

magnetic tape needed on all system components

inspection ports are required

risers over d-box and septic tank if finished grade is greater than 9”

Two (2) 40 mil are required.

This system must be inspected yearly by an independent party, Presby certified inspector, who is not the homeowner, and to file the proper forms with the DEP and local boards.  It is the responsibility of the homeowner to schedule the inspections.

There is to be a deed restriction for a remedial Presby system, as stated in #18 on the plans.

M. Waite motioned to approve the plans with the above conditions #1-5.  M. Johnson seconded.  All in favor.

800 Main St, Edith Morgan:  Septic overflow due to connecting a washing machine for a commercial property, which has two septic systems.  This has been an on-going problem which required frequent pumping.  The owner has agreed to connect to town sewer as soon as possible, and in the meantime, the tenant has agreed not to use the washing machine.

Lot 1 Sterling Road (12/5):  HUB Survey Assoc., Inc. for Theodore Zawalick Jr, new construction.  The applicant is re-submitting plans for approval.  This was tabled at the 9/18/06 meeting.  The driveway was too close to the SAS, and the fill encroaches on the neighboring lot.  The applicant was asked to re-position the SAS.  This has not been done.  The Board previously stated that the lot lines either need to be changed or an easement created.  J. Crouse informed the Board that Dennis Lipka, Building Inspector, does not believe it is a
good practice to endorse septic easements.  The Board agreed that they would not approve septic easements in the future.  The Board recommended that the system be moved 90°.  TABLED for more information.

Lot 2 Sterling Road (12/5):  HUB Survey Assoc., Inc. for Theodore Zawalick Jr, new construction.  The applicant is re-submitting plans for approval.  This was tabled at the 9/18/06 meeting. The locus was still not added to the plans.  TABLED for more information.

Lots 1 & 2 Sterling Rd.:

Must go before the Planning Board for approval as ANR lots.

Both lots need Con Com approval.

The lots lines still need to be addressed.

The locus still needs to be added to the plans.

11 Buckingham Road update:  J. Crouse and R. Mizereck received a letter from Central Mass Septic Systems.  M. Waite stated that all future correspondence regarding this property should be by registered mail.  Central Mass Septic will be given an appointment to come before the Board, and will be put on the agenda for the next meeting.  The Board requested copies of all correspondences for review.
Flu Clinic dates:  November 13 and 27

NLR:  Waste management facility

Managing onsite and clustered (decentralized) wastewater treatment systems

National Association of Local Boards of Health

Dan Winich, 568 Malden St:  Water damage

Barn inspections are currently being done

NIMS training

760 Wachusett St:  The septic system will probably be re-designed

Mercury shed is in place at the DPW garage

Solid Waste meeting

719 Wachusett St. – Zecco,   J. Crouse will send a letter to the homeowner by certified mail

VNA Contract signed

August 28, 2006:  Board to review at a later date
September 18, 2006:  Board to review at a later date

Next Meeting:  November 27, 2006 at 5:00 PM

M. Waite motioned to adjourn the Board of Health meeting.  M. Ricker seconded.  All in favor.

Meeting Adjourned at 6:45 PM.

October 23, 2006 meeting minutes approved:      January 8, 2007 

Debra A. Sciascia
Recording Secretary